Monday, February 1, 2010

Well, it's a new year...2010 is upon us! Fact is, it is speeding on its way faster than we can keep track! After a super, duper New Year's Eve...we just know the year will be fantastic! Though a new year, the "Lovin' Family" remains the same...except for a "slight" upgrade in the Wade family....In July/August their numbers will rise from three to five, God willing! Barbara and Eric are expecting twins....Abby is anxiously anticipating being a Big Sister (Course, I am not sure yet whether she knows the total ramifications of that name change!) We are so excited for them...and of course for us, as we add two more grandchildren to the "Papa Doc and Gramercy count!"

Jim and I are soooo pleased, that we are "dancing" for joy! You got it! Jim bought his very first pair of "dancing shoes"..and twinkle toes he is! We are now students at Fred Astaire and lovin' it! We have been a challenge for our instructor Katie, but I have to admit...she has not only accepted the challenge , but also managed to turn us into fairly talented beginners, now on the bronze level! Just watch us rhumba, waltz, or tango when we appear next on the floor!

Did take some time off from the dancing schedule to welcome Jan Thietje...friend of Jan's from '64...that came down from better believe she was enjoying a bit of the heat-wave-winter days/nights she enjoyed here! She managed to get us going in so many directions even we can't remember them all. I do know that her presence did a bit of havoc to our new year's diets and exercise routines...of course, Jim and I graciously allowed the changes! Now she is on her way to Las Vegas to "winter" in warmth for a few months...before heading back to MN for the cold and Kai's (son) wedding 9/25. Now there is a gal with her fingers in so many pots, I am not sure even she knows which is where!

After Jan took her leave...we were off to Enterprise, celebrate with family and adult friends the early birthday party for our Princess Abby. Officially, 2/2 she turns 3...but we got in an early take on the weekend. I believe...first of three parties...for the Princess! It officially shocked the cupcake maker who "created" a John Deere tractor of cupcakes only to find out the party was for a GIRL! The John Deer Party was loads of fun..and she raked in the loot! Her Gramercy and Papa Doc came through with a Princess Jeep for her to enjoy outside..2 speeds forward, one back, and a battery op radio to boot! Times have changed, guys...times have changed. Can't remember what I got at 3, but I am absolutely positive it was not a riding Jeep!

So...home sweet home...but not for long...CARTER's painting tells it all...we are sail-bound in the Caribbean...from St. Thomas ports and around St. John ports. We leave 2/7, get on the ship (37' sailboat) 2/9...and won't be back in Sandestin until 2/17!
This is a first for us...Jim/Papa Doc will be the Captain and Jan/Gramercy the First Mate...and that, my friends, is the crew entotal! I just know we are going to have a wonderful time...and certainly a warm you can see the sun shining in Carter's portrayal! (Course, the "black shark" will be food for us, I hope..not the other way around!)

So, on that upbeat note....Full Sails Ahead for these Wandering Wallaces...Enjoy each moment to th fullest!