Sunday, May 1, 2011

Well, January 2011 came...and went....and the snow came down in February! THE "F'S" SOUNDED LOUDLY IN FEBRUARY too...with a week at the Phillips in Saint Louis and a weekend at Freddy Ball In St. Augustine, Florida.

Fact is, we were set to drive to St. Louis, but apparently God had other plans as He repeatedly dumped snow on the Midwest...time after time again and again. Snow, ice, cold...the whole nine yards was what February was all, flying became the best means to an end. And fly we stay with Logan (6) and Carter (4-1/2), our never-say-tired Phillips' grandsons as Mom and Dad Phillips hit the Caribbean for a week on NCL EPIC. Though I am certain the latter duo had a ball with just a twosome...the week for the former duo was not too shabby either. We kept those boys hopping...through the day and into the night (Billy Boy stories abounded nightly, getting longer and longer!) Thankfully, snow and ice did NOT strike while we were in St. we had some side trips (the Magic House, the Transportation Museum), a birthday party for Carter to enjoy, Valentine's Day box creations and festivities (with Papa Doc and Gramercy hosting games at Carter's school on valentine's Day and then lunching with Logan on another day at his school), enjoying the spring-like weather ( a natural for us, but a real treat for those boys!) We had a wonderful time, but do not think for a moment that we weren't tickled pink to pick up "Mom and Dad" at the airport and allow us to "chill without responsibilities" for a day...I do believe we could have slept the whole day away and not be any of the wiser for it!

Headed back down to our home for only a few days' rest before filling up the Subaru and heading southeast to St. Augustine.
Apparently our dance instructors (Katie and Jesse) must have convinced us in a moment of weakness to enter competitions in The Freddy it was a FIRST for us..and we came away with the honors! In the southeast we were the Amateur Dancing Couple in both smooth and rhythm dances...that would be waltz, fox trot and tango for smooth...and rumba, cha-cha and east coast swing for rhythm! (Bet some of you didn't know this Wallace Duo had it in them! Fooled you!) We danced so much in three days that I thought our feet would fall off...but, they didn't! Instead, we carted up our trophies, medals and other commemorative pieces and headed home....for a break of two days before we were heading out again..this time..with Australia and New Zealand in our sights! Ya know..we are truly the "Wandering Wallaces!" and lovin' it!

Well, leave it to a Wallace (aka Akins)...that would be advise me that the Wandering Wallace blog is l-o-n-g overdue for an update. I tracked to the site and, sure enough, I ended 2010 with a bang but apparently have not stopped long enough to add and amend Wandering Wallaces are doing so as we type...might just take about an entry with pics per month...

so...JANUARY 2011...greeted the New Year with pomp and panache at Tommy Bahamas..dressed to the nines, dancing, drinking, eating and giving 2011 a welcome we shall remember into 2012! Then off to the VIRGIN ISLANDS and YEAR TWO of bare-boat solo sailing with Captain Jim and First Mate Jan! Started the adventure at Secret Harbor in St. Thomas...and it is secret! ("Heaven" not to be shared with any!) Then boarded PARADISO, in its 40 feet glory, for seven days of sailing the Virgin Island waters and checking out the islands themselves. My "Capitan of the Dingy" learned the ins and outs of the small craft in the 12 preceding months so that we were able to disembark this year at islands of interest without one of us in fear of losing our lives (namely me!). We even managed to dock at two British Virgin Islands...and you can see our celebratory cheer at Joust Van Dyke, for one. We did celebrate the "two-sies" and "five-sies" (a European declaration of panache, to be sure!) with our wine and cheeses as we settled in for the night, bouyed up, and chillin' to our CD strains, conversation and lulling waters (no TV, no phones, no computes!). Course, Jim did try a "Mast Dance" for his First Mate! Not sure the hilarious laugher was the response he was hoping to elicit! What a delightful trip we had...have to say I cooked scrumptious meals; Jim readily heeled the boat to his satisfaction; we both enjoyed shared company; and we seemed saddened to "call it a week" for another year.

Once home, we traveled to see the Wades in Enterprise and hug those growing GRAND-daughters we are so blessed to have...Abby ready to turn 4 in February, and Blaire and Reagan rounding into 8 months of glorious living...the Wades had moved to a bigger homestead in Enterprise, and we were most delighted to share in their happiness of the move. They have settled in well and seem to have already filled out the extra square footage their acquired!

Then we just HAD to work in a visit to Gadsden to chat and update with the DIVAS and their husbands..what a great group....four women getting together to gab who are fortunate enough to have four husbands that enjoy each others company too. Only regret is that we didn't start BEING Divas until almost after we moved from Gadsden. Go figure that one out!

At any rate....friends, family and fun gave us a wonderful January 2011...who could ask for anything more!