Well, we "signed" for our "home" after a six months hiatus of being "renters." On 9/24 we purchased a three-bed, three-bath one-story in
Sandestin, specifically
DEERWOOD. Traditionally, the
Wallaces have "toasted Burger King" at new digs, so Papa Doc and I could do no less. Spread out on the dining room floor, sitting on one of the drape adornments, we shared Burger King with Barbara (daughter) and Abby Lee (grand-daughter). Though the home is ours, moving in (with what little we do have) will be a December event...as we are renting in Gadsden until 12/31/2008. We really don't have time, yet, to move in either...this month we are off to sailing classes in Maryland and checking out eastern
foliage...November will see us setting out from Miami on my retirement-gifted 7-day cruise and Thanksgiving in
Sandestin with a portion of family present...and then December becoming permanent
Sandestin residents. Though we have some personalization to be done on our new home, it is a winner! We are so very happy and just had to share our smiles with any and all. May your fall be fabulous also!
Abby and I were honored to share the experience with you...even if we helped tear down the house before the ink was even dry (can you say "picnic blanket" anyone - ha!)...Congrats on such an exciting moment! We love you guys! Barbara, Eric and Abby
mommy and daddy - i am so excited for you two!!! i can't freaking wait to see the inside of your new home!!! congrats on signing those papers and the traditional burger king first meal!!! CONGRATS!!!
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