It was the best of times..............
It was the worst of times..............
The best of times because the "Chesapeake Adventure" was about to start....
The worst of times because this adventure would eventually come to an end......
There was Celestial, the 44 foot Island Packet that would take us the 200+ nautical miles from Rock Hall, MD to Norfolk, VA...... Crewed by the reknown Captain Eric and First Mate Erico....
From Rock Hall across the "bay" to Nap (Annapolis to most landlubbers), then down to Solomons Island, then Fisherman Bay, and then past the US Naval Base in Norfolk to Little Creek and the final docking..... But forget not that during the voyage we sailed "wing and wing" with max speed of 10.3 kph (documented by photo, I just for some reason could not download it, but I will for you doubting Tomases)..... The winds were Force 7, the seas 5+ feet and on the s/v Celestial sped as sound, solid and stable as Noah's ark.... The "Fearless Four," Eric, Erico, Papa Doc and Stan) remained steadfast at the helm.... And don't think that this was all that austere a trip.... Sample dinners, cooked onboard, while sailing consisted of roast beef, new popatoes, jellied cranberry sauce, green beans, and salad, or home made Portougese chicken fijitas, fresh tossed caesar salad, fresh baked bread and pudding, or home-made spagetti with specialty secret italian sauce, garlic/oil bread, greek baked/fried potatoes, and vege-salad..... And don't forget the meals we had ashore at the "Naughty Gull" and "Sparky's Mermaide"....
From the first step aboard the magnificent 44' IPY, I knew that this trek was going to by far surpass my expectations.... Docking, undocking, anchoring, mooring, sailing a pre-determined course, sailing by dead recognition or by position, tacking, jibing, sailing wing & wing.......
WE DID IT ALL.... I'll add a few more pic for you to view.... So now I'm all excited about the 7 day sail in St. Thomas..... Til the next post, maties.........