Tuesday, January 27, 2009


OK, I finally received my just dues.....
Being the strict dye-in-the-wool Republican, I realized that there was a need for change in Washington....  I supported, financed and voted for the Big-O....  Due, in part, to my loyal support, we were invited to the Gala Washington Celebration...  After the oath and speech after speech, the Big-O invited us into the Oval Office for a minor Tete-a-tete...  Unfortunately I was beeped by my equally supportive daughter, Robyn, and "O" let me use "The Phone"......  So, to heretoforever mark this joyous occasion, Jan popped a quick-pic of me in The Office...  After a night filled with one gala festive party after another, we headed back home to mingle with the common folk...  As always, I am available to all of my friends...  Just give me a jingle.....  Stay tuned for further adventures including the "winter white-out" that closed Denver International Airport....as well as the "thawing-out" of St. Louis.....

1 comment:


You mean you didn't think THE MAVERICK could provide change? Well, maybe change for a dollar - and somewhere I heard that he could at least repeat after someone the correct words. *wink, wink* Why am I not surprised that somehow Robyn got you into a Democratic White House - cool though! Love the picture!