Thursday, June 11, 2009

Home Again...Home Again

WOW...cannot believe it...2000 plus miles on our  bug and we are in Florida..and "scheduled" to be here for more than three days!  Fact is, we don't have a lot of traveling on our calendar before the "move in" of the future!  Got to admit, we wondered if the key would still open the door, the truck would still be in the parking lot, the cat would still know who we were when we picked him up at the vets...well, all went well!  

Jim is now "officially" CAPTAIN of a sailboat, making me the first mate come January when we plan on a Caribbean run of our own!  I am home from the Valleys of Virginia after spending a delightful time with Kelly at her new townhouse...and some great time with Matt too! It was terrific being there; she is such a role model for my physique (just wish my physique would realize it!)

Now, we are making final preps for our new home...the landscaping should finalize in July...and the house probably before.  So, now we are like the newlyweds "buying" for our tomorrow.  Have to admit..this part is really fun! (even tho prices are a tad bit higher than they were in '69!)

Hope all are able to enjoy the wonderful weather as we are.  Also hope some (not all) of you guys are putting a visit to us in Florida on your calendars!  Have a good one...we are!

1 comment:


HA....speaking of visitors, we'll see you in a couple of days. And then the week after that. And then the week after that one too. And then a couple of weeks after that one. And then one more time before we're back down again for Labor Day. Moral of this story: be careful what you ask (*wish*) for! ;-)