Monday, October 20, 2008

Set the Anchor

Well, the Wallaces "wandered" into Rock Hall, Maryland yesterday afternoon.  Jim (alias Papa Doc) headed to his sailboat and "home" until 10/26.  Tuesday he sets sail to Norfolk, VA and will not be a land-lubber again until the 26th.  On the 25th Jan (alias Gramercy) will head to her second class of sailing...for four days in the Chesapeake Bay but docking each night on land.  By the 28th we will join forces and do a BIG first...the two of us will man our own 32 foot sailboat for at least two days and nights (though I do believe we will dock in the evening)....but we will be cooking, living, sailing, etc... (as they say in Mama Mia...) for two days without being hampered by others.  THAT should be interesting....close quarters, two bull-headed people braving the seas
together!  Really , it should be great...Jim will be glad to know that on our boat he will be the official CAPTAIN and I, first mate.  With his knowledge, I concede!  After our sail, it will be heading back South, new route, new experiences...Hope all out there are enjoying the moments...if not, start now 'cause they are surely fleeting!  (Sorry no camera and in Jim's hands for now!)



Did you just say a THREE foot sailboat? That really will be close quarters!!!!!!!!!!!


Ah ha! I see that "3" was edited to "32" - ha ha ha....much more nicer quarters, ha!